Discussion of the Latest Regional Regulations on CSR/TJSLBU Programs that Support the Development of Jambi Province and Reducing Emissions

Tuesday, March 26 2024, an FGD was held to discuss the latest regional regulations on CSR/TJSLBU programs that support the development of Jambi Province and reduce emissions.
Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 of 2020 concerning Social and Environmental Responsibility of Business Entities regulates the implementation of social and environmental responsibility obligations of business entities as a form of participation of Business Entities in sustainable social development
Social and Environmental Responsibility itself is a business entity's commitment to participate in sustainable social development in order to improve the quality of life and a beneficial environment, both for the business entity itself, the local community and society in general.
A business entity is an organizational unit that aims to make a profit and provide services to the community.
The Business Entity Social and Environmental Responsibility Forum, hereinafter referred to as the "Forum", is an institution that aims to optimize the commitment and role of Business Entities through the implementation of their social and environmental responsibilities.

Social and Environmental Responsibility of Business Entities (TJSLBU) is intended as a form of participation of Business Entities in sustainable social development and aims to:
1. Social problems are handled and those in need of Social Welfare Services are served;
2. Increasing the image and profits as well as maintaining the survival of the Business Entity.

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Completion of the Draft Monev Plan Document for 2024

In order to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Jambi Sustainable Landscape Management Project (JSLMP) BioCF-ISFL Program activities in Jambi Province in 2024 and follow up on the results of the FGD on the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (Monev Plan) for the 2024 Annual Work Plan, an FGD was carried out on Refining the Draft Monev Plan Document 2024 on Tuesday, March 26 2024.

Explained by Mas Rezky Syahrizal Yusuf as Monev Specialist Steps for Preparing Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Documents (Monev Plan)
1. Determine the objectives/scope of Monev
2. Understand the definitions and targets of indicators/outputs. Information is provided in the PAD
3. Build a strong (comprehensive) definition of the output
4. Collection of secondary and primary data (methods and tools)
5. Data analysis and reporting

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Monitoring and Evaluation of BioCF ISFL Activities in 2022 and 2023 in Rantau Kermas Village

Activities for Determining Prospective Farmers and Prospective Locations for Recipients of Cinnamon Seeds Ready for Planting in Merangin Regency Spice and Plantation Commodity Freshener (BioCF) Activities for the Jambi Provincial Plantation Service in Rantau Kermas Village, total planting location of 44 Ha. The number of seeds given to the community was 22,000 seeds with the type of seed, namely Cinnamon seeds ready for planting. Planting was carried out by 25 members of the farmer group, the distribution of seeds was adjusted to the size of the planting location.  Planting was also carried out according to the initial plan, namely planted between coffee plants, within a period of approximately one and a half years, the Cinnamon seedlings had grown to a height of approximately two meters.   

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Monitoring and Evaluation of BioCF ISFL Activities in 2022 and 2023 in Muara Madras Village

Activities: Developing community model business development for alternative livelihoods, sub-activity planting, Forest and Land Rehabilitation in Muara Madras Village, the 50 Ha planting location is in the Bukit Muncung Gamut Protected Forest area. This activity has a positive impact on repairing, enhancing and maintaining the condition of the land so that it can function optimally, both as an element of production, supporting the community's economy and as a medium for regulating water management as well as an element of nature and environmental protection.
The number of seeds given to the community was 77,000 seeds with the types of seeds namely Cinnamon seeds, Petai seeds, Surian seeds, Bambang Lanang seeds, Durian seeds and Avocado seeds. Planting was carried out by 42 members of the farmer group, the distribution of seeds was adjusted to the size of the planting location.
The average percentage of living plants at each planting location is around ±70% and ±30% dead, namely Bambang Lanang seeds and Surian seeds. This is due to inappropriate planting time. Planting was carried out during El Nino, which triggered a decline in plant quality, the spread of pests and plant diseases.
Plant maintenance, including fertilizing plants using organic compost and replanting, thinning and weeding, will be carried out in the first semester of 2024.
Apart from that, access to the planting location is quite difficult, with only two-wheeled vehicles and dirt roads resulting in death and damage to the seeds during the transportation process to the planting location.

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Local Champion Sungai Lalang 2022

Received Assistance to Increase Farmers' Capacity in the form of Technical Guidance for Organic Fertilizer Processing and APPO Machines (Organic Fertilizer Cutter Tools) 
This farmer group has a sheep farm which produces manure as material for organic fertilizer. After receiving capacity building through PIU DTPHP regarding procedures for making good organic fertilizer using APPO machines, this farmer group is able to produce organic fertilizer that can be used for its own agricultural land so that it does not requires more chemical fertilizers and the vegetables become organic products.
Apart from that, the organic fertilizer produced by this farmer group is also sold to other farmers around Sei Lalang Village for IDR 60,000 / sack, thereby increasing the financial income of the Sumber Makmur farmer group.
By reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, it is hoped that the carbon footprint on agricultural land can be reduced.

Sustainable agriculture is the implementation of the concept of sustainable development in the agricultural sector. The concept of sustainable agriculture relies on three pillars, namely economic, social and ecological.


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FGD Implementation of Quality Assurance (QA) stage 2

In the framework of the Full Implementation of the BioCF-ISFL MAR System in 2024 regarding the reporting of Emission Reduction (ER) calculations and following up on the analysis meeting for calculating accuracy values ​​and identifying land cover change data in Jambi Province from 23 to 24 February 2024, a follow-up meeting was held for the MAR Division to complete the calculations value of accuracy and completion of land cover change data preparation in Jambi Province.

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FGD Optimizing Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development in Jambi Province

In order to support Climate Change action in Jambi Province through the implementation of the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program, Legalization Activities and Operational Support for Climate Change Institutions, an FGD for Optimizing Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development in Jambi Province in 2024 was carried out by inviting regional officials from the sectors: (i) forestry and peatlands, (ii) agriculture, (iii) energy, (iv) transportation, (v) waste management, and (vi) coast and sea.
In order to realize an Indonesia that is equal to developed countries, Economic Transformation through a Green Economy is needed which places Low Carbon Development and Climate Resilient Development as the backbone. The Green Economy is a development model that synergizes economic growth and improving environmental quality. Through proper implementation, the Green Economy will become the tool (tools) needed to transform economic activity to become more sustainable and inclusive.
Green Economic Intervention with Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development will be able to encourage average GDP growth in 2025-2045 of 6.22% and Green Economic Policy with low carbon and climate resilient development will be able to bring Indonesia to reach Ner Zero Emissions in 2060 or more. fast.

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In order to support Climate Change action in Jambi Province through the implementation of the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program which has entered its third year of the Pre-Investment phase where it has shown quite significant results in fulfilling the completeness and requirements needed to download the Result Based Payment phase ( RBP). For this reason, in order to fulfill the completeness of other processes, support and commitment from District/City Governments throughout Jambi Province and other stakeholders are needed for the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program.
For 2024, each OPD will carry out planned activities, such as:
1. Bappeda, will strengthen the one map policy, strengthen regulations and institutions, and prepare REDD++ institutions such as MAR, BSM, Safeguard and Monev.
2. The Environment Agency will implement policy strengthening for Indigenous Forest Communities (MHA) in the form of Regional Regulations, Implementation of FPIC/FPIC (free prior consent) for all communities in implementing the BioCF program, and Capacity Strengthening and development of Proklim Villages
3. The TPHP Service carries out SMART Agriculture training on low-emission agriculture, facilitating collaboration between farmer groups and the private sector
4. The plantation service will encourage independent ISPO certification with the aim of knowing the origin of oil palm seeds, managing sustainable plantation businesses to support the RAN/RAD for sustainable palm oil, preventing fires in the plantation sector, and increasing farmers' capacity towards SMART Agriculture
4. The Forest Service and KPH will carry out safeguarding of remaining natural forests such as patrols and counseling, Agroforestry development, and Land and Forest Rehabilitation (Procurement of seeds and participatory planting)

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FGD Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (Monev Plan) for the 2024 Annual Work Plan

In the context of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the BioCarbon Fund Plus-Initiative For Sustainable Landscape Management Project (JSLMP) Jambi Province 2024 activities, a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was carried out which discussed the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (Monev Plan) for the Annual Work Plan (AWP). ) in 2024 in order to increase the capacity of the parties to support this program.

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FGD Action on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Through the Climate Village Program

     The Climate Village Program (ProKlim) was launched as a national movement to control community-based climate change by the Minister of Environment and Forestry on 1 December 2016. ProKlim, which has been implemented since 2012, has transformed from giving appreciation to the lowest administrative areas at RW/RW level. hamlets and at the highest level at sub-district/village level, to encourage and facilitate the growth of Climate Villages through enriching innovations in climate change adaptation and mitigation programs implemented in collaboration between the government and Stakeholders.
     Proklim is carried out in order to encourage communities to increase their capacity to adapt to the impacts of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as to provide appreciation for climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts that have been implemented at the local level in accordance with regional conditions.
     Through ProKlim, it is hoped that efforts to increase resilience to the negative impacts of climate change as well as reduce greenhouse gas or GHG emissions can be carried out starting from the site level.

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