
Technical Capacity Building Beneficiary Guide and ISFL BioCF Safeguard Guide

REDD+ (Reduction of Emissions From Deforestation and Defradation) is a reduction in emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. Defirestation is a permanent change in land cover from forest to non-forest. The difference with forest degradation lies in the quantity and quality of forests, for example the quality of carbon stocks from previously 1 ton CO2 to 0.5 tons CO2 Plus (+) from REDD+, namely protection and conservation of carbon stocks in forests, sustainable forest management, and increasing carbon stocks. If REDD+ is successful, you will get a positive incentive called Result Based Payment, but the condition is that you have ensured environmental and social safeguards and have also created a national/regional strategy or action plan.
National has created a REDD+ strategy, one of which is the REDD+ Framework which contains 4 components, namely:
1. Implementation, carried out in forest cover and can be implemented nationally, government/private sector or community
2. REDD+ architecture, needs to create a national strategy and safeguards, forest monitoring and needs funding support from the APBN
3. Create an Information System to contain Safeguard
4. MOI as a means and infrastructure for implementing REDD+ requires technology, funding, increasing human resource capacity, and institutional support, rules, regulations and systems.
Points that are no less important are Non-Carbon Benefits in the form of conservation, protection of hydrological functions, protection of ecological functions, increasing community welfare, improving forest governance and protecting essential ecosystems (Geoparks).

Currently the BioCF Program is in the 4th year of Pre-Investment stage, and it is hoped that in 2025-2026 it will enter the RBP phase. In the RBP phase, all regencies/cities except Jambi City will be involved in this RBP scheme, so it is important for regencies/cities to understand the RBP so they can prepare everything.