Buffer Village Community Training on Mangrove KTH

Training activities to increase the capacity of KTH, especially mothers² (gender) at Mangrove House (Biocf funding source). Resource person from the Tanjabtim Cooperative Industry and Trade Service.

Source: BKSDA Jambi.
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Procurement of goods and services

Activities for the procurement of coffee production facilities and infrastructure were held to be handed over to the Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) with Coffee Businesses (KUPS Kopi Keumbuk Dusun Sungai Telang and KUPS Batang Agam Bersama Dusun Laman Panjang).

Procurement of coffee production machines by third party partners. The procurement process will be carried out in August 2023.
The coffee production machine consists of:
- Coffee grinder machine, 2 (two) units
- 2 (two) units of NR-005DT coffee roasting machine with a capacity of 5kg,
- HU200 Huller dry coffee skin peeling machine with a capacity of 200kg/hour, 2 (two) units.

Source: Environmental Service.
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Signing of the DG and IG Data Security Cooperation Paper

Cooperation Agreement between the Director of Forest Resources Inventory and Monitoring, Directorate General of Forestry Planning and Environmental Management, Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Head of the Regional Planning and Development Agency of Jambi Province, Concerning Data Security (Security Agreement) In order to share geospatial data and information from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry with the Jambi Provincial Government.

Source: Jambi Province Bappeda.

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Bio Carbon Fund Integrated Sustainable Forest Landscape (BioCF ISFL) Safeguard Document for Jambi Province

The Directorate General of Climate Change Control (Cq. Directorate of Climate Change Mitigation) in collaboration with the World Bank and the Regional Government of Jambi Province is developing REDD+ activities with a Result Based Payment scheme through the Bio Carbon Fund Integrated Sustainable Forest Landscape (BioCF ISFL) activity. This activity is supported by multilateral funding, which is managed by the World Bank as trustee.  This program aims to promote reduced greenhouse gas emissions from the land sector, reduced deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, sustainable agriculture, as well as better land use planning, policies and practices through REDD+ activities. BioCF ISFL activities consist of three phases, namely the preparation phase (2019 – December 2020), the pre-investment phase (planned for July 2020 – 2025) and the Result Based Payment Phase (> 2030).  

Currently the project in question is in the preparation period, one of the outputs of this preparation is the completeness of the Emission Reduction Program Document (ERPD).  In order to fulfill the completeness of the ERPD, it is necessary to prepare documents and this is a requirement for REDD+ implementation, namely the implementation of protection or security mechanisms (safeguards) to minimize negative impacts that arise in program implementation. This concept of protection or safeguards covers various issues including transparency of the national forest management structure, participation of various parties, respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, conservation of biodiversity and natural forests, emission transfer and the reverse risk of reducing emissions.  Therefore, in the current BioCF-ISFL preparation stage, one of the main activities that will be carried out is preparing the safeguards documents needed to manage all environmental and social impacts resulting from the implementation of the BioCF-ISFL project in Jambi Province. The safeguard documents in question consist of Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA), Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF), Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism (FGRM), and Resettlement Planning Framework and Process Framework (RPF -PF).  This document is used to ensure that the program design outlined in the document does not pose a high risk to social and environmental aspects. In this regard, the Directorate General of Climate Change Control intends to publish Safeguard documents where the documents in question have received input from stakeholders through Public Consultation in Jambi Province on December 5 2019.

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Capacity building in participatory fire management for KPH, Adat, MPA, KTPA, and Pokmas BNPB in Hotspot areas.

Conducting MPA (Fire Care Community) Group Training for MPA Groups that have been formed by providing training and knowledge about preventing and controlling forest and land fires.

The method for carrying out activities is face to face in a meeting room and followed by field practice. The material presented is basic material on forest and land fires which includes legal regulations in the field of forest and land fire control, the basics of forest fires, extinguishing methods and first aid as well as the involvement of relevant agencies in overcoming forest and land fires (TNI, Polri, Manggala Agni, and BPBD). The field introduced team formations, hose reels, extinguishing equipment and extinguishing simulations.
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FGD for the Acceleration of the One Map Policy at the Jambi Province Level

Utilization of geospatial information can answer various development challenges, where KSP and SDI have provided a platform for sharing data available through inageoportal and SDI Portal.

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Developing Community Business Model development for alternative livelihoods.

1. Planting and maintenance covering an area of ​​20 ha in Sungai Telang Hamlet and Timbolasi Hamlet in Bathin III Ulu District.
2. The planting location is within the work area of ​​the Kopi Keumbuk Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) covering an area of ​​10ha and KTH Timbolasi Sumber Aren covering an area of ​​10ha.
3 Types and number of seeds planted are:
   - Mango, 400 stems,
   - Durian, 400 stems,
   - Avocados, 800 pieces,
   - Areca nut, 1,400 stems

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Jambi Provincial Government and Director General of PPI Prepare Public Media

Bogor, 23 August 2022, In the context of developing a data sharing system and information dissemination on the MAR (Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting) BioCF-ISFL Program in the form of a website, the Directorate of Greenhouse Gas Inventory (IGRK) under the Directorate General of Climate Change Control (PPI) of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has carried out a Data Sharing and Dissemination Workshop in the context of the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program which was held on the 22 – 23 August 2022. The meeting was held online via the zoom meeting application and offline at the Aston Hotel and Resort Bogor, attended by representatives of the IGRK Directorate, Jambi Province Bappeda, National Project Coordinator, Sub National Project Coordinator, MAR Technical Team, Individual Consultants, Technical Supporting Officer, PMU Staff and Expert Staff in the BioCF-ISFL Program.

In his statement, Mr. Dr. Ir. Saiful Anwar, M.Sc as Director of IGRK said that the IGRK directorate will soon publish data and information related to GHG emissions and the Jambi Province GHG emission reduction target of 14 tons of Co2e which has been set by the Jambi Provincial Government through the BioCF-ISFL Program. Apart from that, data and information related to early detection at the site level will also be provided and equipped with the presentation of WebQuery data related to Boundaries, Land Cover, Peat Land and NRT. In the initial stages of developing the Data Sharing system, the drafting team will focus on internal user mechanisms and data delivery needs to the World Bank technical review team in preparing kick of meeting with the World Bank

Separately, the Head of Jambi Province Bappeda, Mr. Ir. Agus Sunaryo, M.Si said that the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Website was prepared as a form of transparency/openness of the Jambi Provincial Government to the public, especially the people of Jambi regarding the management of World Bank Grant funds through the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. to the Jambi Provincial Government.  This website was created to make it easy for all parties to obtain all the data and information needed regarding the implementation of the BioCF-ISFL Program in Jambi Province including complaint services or Feedback and Grievance Redress Mechanism (FGRM).

In this case, the development of the website is in collaboration with the Jambi Province Communication and Information Service regarding licensing for web use, hosting, so that the website can be used and published with the following domain: https://biocf.jambiprov.go.id/. Hopefully, the BioCF Website-based Data Sharing and Information Dissemination system will become a common reference in delivering as well as the use of important data and information related to Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting (MAR) data, activities and the latest information related to the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program.

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