Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting

16 January 2023

Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting

The Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL MAR system was developed to measure, monitor, report and verify emission reduction efforts. The steps carried out in the MAR system follow the needs and guidelines of BioCF-ISFL and refer to the National REDD+ and IGRK mechanisms. The MAR system for Jambi Province includes a forest and land monitoring system that is capable of providing estimates of emissions and absorption from the AFOLU sector (agriculture, forestry and land use), reporting on emission reductions as well as distribution of benefits and safeguards. The said information system security must be part of the sub-national (Provincial) monitoring system. Task analysis is also required to develop emission levels and performance reference management assessment units for emission reductions. Then, annual emission reporting of withdrawals should be done by the province as part of the MAR system.

Development of Jambi Province's MAR system, including identification of sources of emissions and absorption, identification of implementation areas, revision of GHG accounting, development of methods for sharing benefits to the entity level, development of SOPs and guidelines, strengthening of HR capacity, preparation of ERPD documents - GHG section, and institutional strengthening and System,