
South - South Knowledge Exchange 2024

BALIKPAPAN - Head of the Jambi Province Development Planning Agency, Ir. Agus Sunaryo, M.Si and accompanied by the Head of the Economy and Natural Resources Division of the Jambi Province Bappeda, Dr. Ahmad Subhan, S.IP, M.Si and Sub-National Chair of PMU BioCF-ISFL Jambi, ir. H. Sepdiinal, ME attended the South - South Knowledge Exchange meeting, participated in discussion forums from 3 countries such as Indonesia, Brazil and the Democratic Republic of Congo, where this activity was facilitated by the World Bank, which took place at the Platinum Hotel, Monday 27 May 2024.

South - South Knowledge Exchange itself is a knowledge exchange activity by developing countries or could also be countries in the global south. In the presentation, the Sub-National Chair of PMU BioCF-ISFL Jambi, provided an explanation regarding reducing carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in Jambi Province through BioCarbon Fund - Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscape activities.