
16 January 2023


Jambi Emission Reduction Program (JERP) BioCarbon Fund ISFL is a program that seeks to improve landscape management and reduce emissions from the forestry and land use sectors. This program is built upon the commitment of the Indonesian Government and  Jambi Provincial Government. The program covers sustainable agricultural planning and policies, as well as more innovative land use practices. Its aim is to enhance and incentivize the Indonesian Government's efforts to reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions in Jambi.  

Safeguard  serves as an instruments to analyze and minimize negative impacts on programs, and encourage as many positive impacts, both from governance, social, and environmental perspectives. Safeguard is prepared based on the identification results covering a wide range of issues, including transparency of national forestry governance structures, effective participation of stakeholders, respect for the knowledge and rights of indigenous peoples and local communities, conservation of natural forests and biodiversity, and avoiding both “leakage” and “diversion” of emission reductions.

In order to complete the Emission Reduction Program Document (ERPD) and prepare for the negotiation of the Emission Reduction Payment Agreements (ERPA) for BioCF ISFL in Jambi Province, the Directorate General of Climate Change Control of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and the Jambi Provincial Government have prepared safeguard documents. The presence of safeguards in the implementation of REDD+ it is urgently needed to protect and maintain so that it does not occur or suppress as little as possible the negative impacts from the implementation of REDD+ activities.

The safeguards documents related to the program that have been prepared are the requirements of the World Bank as the distributor of funds for the BioCF-ISFL program, namely:
1. SESA (Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment)
This document serves as a tool for analyzing  potential risks and impacts of REDD+ programs and policies, proposing alternatives, and developing mitigation strategies to minimize risks and prevent negative impacts arising from the implementation of emission reduction activities.
2. ESMF (Environmental and Social Management Framework)
The ESMF is designed to manage the potential risks associated with the implementation of emission reduction programs in the environment and social sectors. The ESMF analyzes each principle, guidance, and procedures for reducing and mitigating the negative impacts of emission reduction programs on social and environmental conditions, as well as strengthening potential positive impacts, including directing potential investments in accordance with the relevant safety framework. The main derivatives of the ESMF are: Feedback Grievances and Redress Mechanism (FGRM),Indigenous People Planning Framework (IPPF) and the Resettlement Planning Framework and Process Framework (RPF-PF).
3. FGRM (Feedback Grievance Redress Mechanism)
This document contains the reporting system or delivery of aspirations and complaints from stakeholders involved or affected by the emissions reduction program. FGRM is developed to facilitate the system of public information transparency related to the BioCF ISFL program.

4. IPPF (Indigenous People Planning Framework)
The IPPF document contains a framework for the engagement of indigenous and other marginalised communities, which are indicated to be involved or engaged in emissions reduction programs. The document aims to ensure that indigenous and other marginalised communities are involved in the consultation process related to the interventions of the emissions reduction program that affect them. In addition, the IPPF also ensures that they have the same opportunity to benefit from the implemented program. The IPPF also strives to mitigate the negative impacts of the emissions reduction program on indigenous.

5. RPF-PF (Resettlement Planning Framework-Process Framework)
The RPF-PF document outlines how the program strengthens risk and impact management for Indigenous Peoples related to the ER Program, the Government of Indonesia has prepared the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF), which sets out relevant requirements for the involvement and consultation, and steps to address potential risks and impacts to these groups.
6. SEP (Stakeholders Engagement Plant)
The SEP document contains information about the identification process and stakeholder engagement plan for the BioCF-ISFL-JSLMP program. The SEP endeavors to map out the roles of the parties directly and indirectly involved in the emissions reduction program.

The documents contain an analysis of the positive and negative impacts, as well as ways to mitigate potential impacts from the following three components of the JSLMP program:

First Component of Policy and Institutional Strengthening
The first component will intervene on issues related to the lack of institutional capacity to ensure forest and land governance. This component aims to improve forest and land governance, through regulatory and institutional frameworks in forestry and other land-based sectors, as well as to strengthen instruments for enforcing such policies. Additionally, this component is also expected to support the preparation of long-term policies such as the medium and long-term development plan of  Jambi to address issues and ensure that the emission reduction program will be managed continuously and become a major issue in the development of  Jambi.

Second Component: Implementing Sustainable Land Management
Component two intervenes on the lack of sustainable practices in land management, fire, and tenure conflicts, issues raised during stakeholder consultations. This component is relevant to address drivers of deforestation and degradation both from AFOLU and peatlands. The approach in this component is implementation at the site level, both by Forest Management Units (KPH), the private sector, and by communities. Promotion of sustainable land management practices will also be carried out. The development of a landscape-based management model, which integrates various sectors, actors and commodities, is expected to have a long-term impact on the sustainability of land management in Jambi.  

Third Component of Program Management and Coordination
This component focuses on the overall management of the implementation of the emissions reduction program, including tools for implementing REDD+. This includes measurement, analysis, and reporting (MAR), environmental and social safeguards (ESMF, IPPF), and benefit sharing mechanisms (BSM) including non-carbon benefits. In the second year of implementation, there will be strengthening of MAR, Safeguards and BSM institutions.

The JERP program's safeguards are managed by the Safeguards Department, headed by the Jambi Province Environment Agency. This department is supported by members from various related sectors and involves stakeholders such as the Government, NGOs, and Academics. The Environment Agency is responsible for the overall coordination, supervision, and reporting of the safeguards framework.

The members of Safeguard come from the following elements:

1. Jambi Province Forestry Department
2. Jambi Province Environmental Department
3. Jambi Province Plantation Department
4. Jambi Province Community Empowerment and Village Department
5. Development Partner Representative
6. Private Association Representative
7. Experts from related Universities in Social, Biodiversity, Ecology, and Environment

The Safeguard Unit has currently developed institutional arrangements that are in accordance with the European Stability Mechanism and are being implemented under the BioCF ISFL Program. These arrangements involve decision-making procedures, institutional responsibilities, and monitoring and reporting procedures. Additionally, the Safeguard Unit is responsible for the management of FGRM.