To ensure the achievement of the above RBPs, the BioCF-ISFL program was implemented in several phases, namely:
Preparation Phase
In the preparation stage, the program ensures the existence of pre-conditions in the form of documents/concepts underlying the emission reduction program as well as other supporting conditions such as institutions, capacity of implementing human resources, monitoring systems, and so on.
- Preparation of ERPD (Emmission Reduction Program Document) for 2021-2026
- Preparation of PDO (Project Design Objective) 2021-2025 for Pre Investment
- Determination of Regional Apparatus:
- Determination of Priority Locations:
- KPHP Merangin
- KPHP Bungo
- KPHP Sarolangun Hilir
- KPHP Tanjung Jabung Barat
Pre-Investment Phase
- December 2020, a Grant Agreement was signed between the World Bank and the Government of The Republic of Indonesia amounting to USD 13.5 milion equivalent to approximately IDR 180 bilion. Followed by a Grant Forwarding Agreement Between the Central Government and the Jambi Provincial Government (Governor of Jambi), with PPH Number 1 /MK 7 /DTK 03 / 2021 dated 30 December 2021 with a budget allocation of approximately IDR 82,38 Bilion for 4 year 2022-2025.
- Jambi is commited to reducing carbon emission over the next 5 tahun by 14 milion MTon CO2e by avoiding land cover reduction by 10 annually as a result of deforestation and degradation and land use.
- The Pre-Investment implementation pattern uses the On granting pattern or bailout funds, which are budgeted in advance in the Jambi Provincial APBD and after that the Reimbusment billing is made to the Indonesian Ministry of Finance for 2 times in the current year and will be transferred to the Jambi Provincial Government.
- This Pre-Invesment Fund is allocated in 5 OPD in Jambi Province namely Bappeda, Dinas Perkebunan, Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, Dinas Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultara dan Peternakan and Dinas Kehutanan along with 4 UPTD KPHP (KPHP Merangin, KPHP Bungo, KPHP Sarolangun Hilir and KPHP Tanjung Jabung Barat) While for the location of 4 National Parks (TN Kerinci Seblat, TN Bukit Duabelas, TN Bukit Tiga Puluh dan TN Berbak) are allocated in DIPA Ministry of Environment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia.
- Applications for Reimbursement Billing will be carried out twice in the current year, namely in July and November. In order not to disrupt the APBD cash flow in the third and fourth quarters, 65 of the BioCF activities planned for the first and second quarters will be realized and the rest will be realized in the third and fourth quarters.
RBP Phase
- Results Based Payments Phase 2023 and 2026 Results-based payments from carbon emission reduction efforts in Jambi Province if it succeeds in reducing emissions 14 milion Tons of CO2e over 5 (Five) years. In this phase, the BioCF-ISFL program will provide up to USD 70 milion.
- Performance calculations are based on Provincial Jurisdiction, not based on priority working areas (4 KPHP dan 4 TN) and until now calculations and simulations are being carried out by the MAR team with the Directorate of IGRK and IPSDH where for performance measurement in 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 will be submitted in 2023. While for performance measurements in 2022/2023, 2023/2024 and 2024/2025 will be submitted in 2026.
- From the result of this performance, it will be distributed to the Beneficiaries arranged in the Benefit Sharing Mecanism (BSM).
- Distribution will be carried out by the Central Government through Indonesia Environment Fund to Intermediary Institutions in Jambi Province.
- Previously, PADIATAPA FPIC will be conducted in all villages that will be involved, where the implementation and benefits of the JSLMP BioCF program will be explained and followed up with a statement of the village's willingness to implement BioCF activities.
The BioCF-ISF Program is also supported by 4 main Sectors under the Sub-National Project Management Unit (SNPMU). These 4 Sectors have their own duties and reponsibilities in ensuring the successful implementation of the BioCF-ISFL program. These Sectors are as follows: