
Monitoring and Evaluation of BioCF ISFL Activities in 2022 and 2023 in Muara Madras Village

Activities: Developing community model business development for alternative livelihoods, sub-activity planting, Forest and Land Rehabilitation in Muara Madras Village, the 50 Ha planting location is in the Bukit Muncung Gamut Protected Forest area. This activity has a positive impact on repairing, enhancing and maintaining the condition of the land so that it can function optimally, both as an element of production, supporting the community's economy and as a medium for regulating water management as well as an element of nature and environmental protection.
The number of seeds given to the community was 77,000 seeds with the types of seeds namely Cinnamon seeds, Petai seeds, Surian seeds, Bambang Lanang seeds, Durian seeds and Avocado seeds. Planting was carried out by 42 members of the farmer group, the distribution of seeds was adjusted to the size of the planting location.
The average percentage of living plants at each planting location is around ±70% and ±30% dead, namely Bambang Lanang seeds and Surian seeds. This is due to inappropriate planting time. Planting was carried out during El Nino, which triggered a decline in plant quality, the spread of pests and plant diseases.
Plant maintenance, including fertilizing plants using organic compost and replanting, thinning and weeding, will be carried out in the first semester of 2024.
Apart from that, access to the planting location is quite difficult, with only two-wheeled vehicles and dirt roads resulting in death and damage to the seeds during the transportation process to the planting location.