FGD Accelerating Implementation of the One Map Policy in Jambi Province

14 June 2024

JSLMP MTR Mission 2024 - Renah Sungai Ipuh Village, Bungo Regency

14 May 2024

Coordination of Study Preparation with Social Forestry License Holders in Kec. Anchor District Moaning

27 April 2024

Discussion of the Latest Regional Regulations on CSR/TJSLBU Programs that Support the Development of Jambi Province and Reducing Emissions

26 March 2024

Monitoring and Evaluation of BioCF ISFL Jambi Activities in Rantau Kermas Village, Merangin Regency

6 March 2024

Monitoring and Evaluation of BioCF ISFL Activities in 2022 and 2023 in Muara Madras Village, Merangin Regency

6 March 2024


1 March 2024

FGD Optimizing Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Development in Jambi Province

1 March 2024