
Completion of the Draft Monev Plan Document for 2024

In order to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Jambi Sustainable Landscape Management Project (JSLMP) BioCF-ISFL Program activities in Jambi Province in 2024 and follow up on the results of the FGD on the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (Monev Plan) for the 2024 Annual Work Plan, an FGD was carried out on Refining the Draft Monev Plan Document 2024 on Tuesday, March 26 2024.

Explained by Mas Rezky Syahrizal Yusuf as Monev Specialist Steps for Preparing Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Documents (Monev Plan)
1. Determine the objectives/scope of Monev
2. Understand the definitions and targets of indicators/outputs. Information is provided in the PAD
3. Build a strong (comprehensive) definition of the output
4. Collection of secondary and primary data (methods and tools)
5. Data analysis and reporting