
Socialization of the Result Based Payment Phase at the Regency/City Level

Jambi – Jambi Province has enormous potential to carry out emission reduction activities through forest and land management. Remembering that Jambi Province has 4 National Parks, as well as 29 traditional forests which are the largest forests in Indonesia plus Social Forestry areas spread across 10 KPHs.

Regarding the Bio Carbon Fund program, the Jambi Provincial Government through the Sub National Management Unit (SNPMU) is currently carrying out outreach activities to 10 regencies/cities to provide a general overview of patterns of determining and measuring emissions, determining and benefit distribution schemes and procedures for distributing benefits as well as safeguard functions and monitoring and evaluation standards that will be implemented in the management of benefit funds later.

And the implementation of activities within the scope of BioCF-ISFL is a form of Jambi Province's commitment to playing an active role in implementing emission reduction.

“The Jambi Provincial Government has committed and will continue to implement the concept

REDD+ in Jambi Province means reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation as well as increasing conservation and forest carbon reserves," emphasized the Head of Bappeda for Jambi Province, represented by the Head of the Economy and Natural Resources Division who is also the deputy chairman of SNPMU BioCF Dr.Ahmad Subhan. S.IP. M.Si today (7/10) at the opening of the BioCF-ISFL socialization event which was attended by officials from the Kerinci Regency Government.

Subhan further added that the Jambi provincial government has integrated the 2019-2045 Green Economic Growth Road Map with the Jambi Province RPJMD Planning Document.

Apart from that, it is also strengthened by the existence of Jambi Province regulations through Jambi Province Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Green Economic Growth Plan which shows the strong commitment of the Governor of Jambi and the DPRD of Jambi Province.

So that the benefits of implementing REDD+ within the Green Economy framework can be felt by the entire community, Jambi Province is currently implementing the BioCF-ISFL program where through this program the target is to reduce emissions by 10 million tons of CO2 equivalent accompanied by Result Based Payment (RBP) or performance-based incentives reached 70 million USD.

Head of monitoring and evaluation at SNPMU Dharmawansyah SP. MM also appealed to all parties to support the implementation of activities within the scope of BioCF-ISFL.

"I hope for cooperation and support from all parties," stressed Wawan when delivering socialization material about monitoring and evaluation.

The Regent of Kerinci, who was represented by Assistant for Economics and Development H.Atmir, S.E, MM, in his speech emphasized that the Kerinci Regency really supports the Bio Carbon Fund activities and is ready to collaborate to reduce emissions by exploiting the potential of forests in the Kerinci Regency area.

"I hope that through this program the village communities around the forest can improve their welfare," explained Atmir after opening the BioCF RBP Phase Socialization event which was held in the hall of the Kerinci Regency BAPPEDA-Litbang office.