
Discussion of the Performance-Based Incentive Fund Distribution Mechanism for the BioCF-ISFL Program to Potential Beneficiary Villages

Jambi, 12 August 2024. Currently Jambi Province is preparing to download the Performance Based Incentive phase of the ISFL BioCF Program. One of the documents prepared is the Benefit Sharing Plan (BSP) which is currently in the process of being refined, especially regarding the mechanism for distributing funds for the BioCF-ISFL Program Performance-Based Incentives for Villages. Activities Discussion of the Mechanism for Distribution of Performance-Based Incentive Funds for the BioCF-ISFL Program for Villages Potential Beneficiaries, opened by the Deputy Governor of Jambi Province, Drs. H. Abdullah Sani, M.Pd.I

The Deputy Governor explained that we must always maintain our ecosystem and implement sustainable regional development. So the Jambi Provincial Government has made efforts and is committed to implementing the REDD+ concept in Jambi Province.“With our commitment to realizing Jambi's green economy through the implementation of REDD+ there is great hope that it will make a positive contribution to achieving the targets of green economic growth, inclusive development growth and evenly, creating a healthy ecosystem so that the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved and is able to overcome the impacts of climate change,” continued the Deputy Governor.

In his remarks and directions, the Deputy Governor also expressed his thanks and highest appreciation to all levels of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia who have helped and supported the Jambi Provincial Government (Pemprov) in its efforts to support mitigation actions and climate change in Jambi Province.

The Deputy Governor also explained that in order to speed up the download of the RBP phase, the BioCF-ISFL Benefit Sharing Plan Document must immediately be finalized.
“One of the improvements to this document is the need to agree on the flow of funding mechanisms to the village level, so that suggestions and input from various parties are needed as well as support from the Regency/City Governments throughout Jambi Province, the Association of Indonesian Village Governments (APDESI) Regency/City throughout the Province Jambi and Village Assistance Coordinators throughout Jambi Province in determining the flow of performance-based incentive funding mechanisms for the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program to Villages. "Hopefully the RBP phase will be implemented quickly so that the agreed RBP funds can be implemented by the community as an incentive to protect forest and land areas and ultimately improve the welfare of the community in Jambi Province."

Head of Bappeda Jambi Province, Ir. Agus Sunaryo, M.Si also as the Daily Chair of BioCF-ISFL said that the aim of implementing this activity was to increase the participation of parties in supporting the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program both in the Pre-Investment phase and the RBP Phase. The agreed results of the activity ;Discussion of the Mechanism for Distribution of Performance Based Incentive Funds for the BioCF-ISFL Program to Potential Beneficiary Villages is as follows:

  1. The Regency/City Government represented by the Head of the Community and Village Empowerment Service, as well as the Chair of the APDESI Regency/City in Jambi Province Supports the Bio Carbon Fund-Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscape Program in Jambi Province, especially in the implementation stages Result Based Payment (Payment Based on Performance Results).

  2. Regency/city governments that have agreed on the mechanism for distributing performance-based incentive funds to potential beneficiary villages through the Intermediary Institution scheme are Tebo, Muaro Jambi, Batanghari, Kerinci, Bungo and Merangin Regencies.

  3. APDESI and the Regency/City Governments that have agreed on a mechanism for distributing performance-based incentive funds to potential beneficiary villages through Cash Transfers via BPDLH are West Tanjung Jabung Regency, Sarolangun and Sungai Banyak City.

  4. APDESI and Village Assistance Workers who agreed on a mechanism for distributing performance-based incentive funds to potential beneficiary villages through Cash Transfer via BPDLH are APDESI Jambi, Batanghari, Muaro Jambi, Tebo, Merangin and Bungo Provinces.

  5. APDESI and the Regency/City Government have agreed on a mechanism for distributing performance-based incentive funds to potential beneficiary villages through the Intermediary Institution scheme, namely East Tanjung Jabung Regency.

  6. The results of the agreement are used to refine the Benefit Sharing Plan document and will be discussed at meetings at higher levels both at the Jambi Provincial Government and Central Government levels.