

In order to support Climate Change action in Jambi Province through the implementation of the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program which has entered its third year of the Pre-Investment phase where it has shown quite significant results in fulfilling the completeness and requirements needed to download the Result Based Payment phase ( RBP). For this reason, in order to fulfill the completeness of other processes, support and commitment from District/City Governments throughout Jambi Province and other stakeholders are needed for the Jambi Province BioCF-ISFL Program.
For 2024, each OPD will carry out planned activities, such as:
1. Bappeda, will strengthen the one map policy, strengthen regulations and institutions, and prepare REDD++ institutions such as MAR, BSM, Safeguard and Monev.
2. The Environment Agency will implement policy strengthening for Indigenous Forest Communities (MHA) in the form of Regional Regulations, Implementation of FPIC/FPIC (free prior consent) for all communities in implementing the BioCF program, and Capacity Strengthening and development of Proklim Villages
3. The TPHP Service carries out SMART Agriculture training on low-emission agriculture, facilitating collaboration between farmer groups and the private sector
4. The plantation service will encourage independent ISPO certification with the aim of knowing the origin of oil palm seeds, managing sustainable plantation businesses to support the RAN/RAD for sustainable palm oil, preventing fires in the plantation sector, and increasing farmers' capacity towards SMART Agriculture
4. The Forest Service and KPH will carry out safeguarding of remaining natural forests such as patrols and counseling, Agroforestry development, and Land and Forest Rehabilitation (Procurement of seeds and participatory planting)