
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Lessons Learned Implementation of REDD+ and Sub-National SIS-REDD+ Safeguards

The Directorate of Climate Change Mitigation, DJPPI with support from the RBP REDD+ GCF managed by BPDLH has carried out facilitation to sub-national (provincial) areas for socialization regarding strengthening the REDD+ architecture, including strengthening REDD+ Safeguards and filling out the Safeguards Implementation Assessment Tool (APPS) on the REDD+ Bagi website. Indonesia, the implementation of REDD+ Safeyards is a requirement if you want to get RBP both bilaterally and multilaterally. In connection with this, the Directorate of Climate Change Mitigation carried out a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Lessons Learned Implementation of REDD+ and Sub-National SIS-REDD+ Safeguards.

Ir. H. Sepdinal, ME as Chair of the SNPMU BioCarbon Fund Program - Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscape provided material with the title "Architectural Preparation and Implementation of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions From Deforestation and Forest Defradation) in Jambi Province", in the material it was explained how the regulatory preparations were implemented Jambi provincial government regarding REDD+ implementation, institutional architecture of the Jambi Province GHG Emission Reduction work unit, Exit Strategy for REDD+ Implementation in Jambi Province. as well as the results and products produced by each sector in the SNPMU BioCF-ISFL Secretariat, Jambi Province.